Explora Journeys does not have any single use plastic onboard its ships and ashore.
We ban single-use plastic from our ships, also packaging of deliveries will be reduced to a minimum. Offering fresh and locally-sourced food gives us the posibility to be more respectful with the planet and the destinations we visit.
We don't allow any single-use-plastic onboard our ships and while ashore during our experiences on dry land. Additionally, we offer environmentally conscious Destination Experiences as well as recycling and refillable bottles onboard.
We are working with tour operators that offer sustainable experiences with no single-use-plastic also ashore. Our Destination Experiences are planned to put a spotlight on local talents, craftsmanship, culture, gastronomy and traditions.
Our advanced wastewater treatment systems onboard process wastewater to near tap water quality. We discarge our ballast water exclusively on land while we are in the port. We have adopted strict treatment regimes to remove threats of species transportation through ballast water.