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About Explora Journeys

Mike Horn

Mike Horn Explora Journeys

Our Brand Ambassador

Mike Horn’s dedication to adventure and the environment aligns perfectly with Explora Journeys' values. We are thrilled to collaborate with him to craft unforgettable and sustainable experiences for our discerning guests.

About Mike Horn

Mike Horn is a world-renowned adventurer and explorer with a wealth of experience in expeditions to some of the world’s most remote and challenging environments.

Among other feats, he has skied across the Arctic and Antarctic, swam down the Amazon River, and sailed solo around the world.

Through these experiences, he has developed a deep respect and admiration for the natural world, and often speaks about the importance of preserving its
beauty and diversity.

The time has come for Mike Horn to lead Explora Journeys guests on an expedition of their own.

Unique Destination Experiences

Mike Horn works closely with Explora Journeys to develop unique adventures, drawing on his vast experience and expertise. Together we explore the world’s most remote and breathtaking locations, with emphasis on sustainable living and conservation.

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